Agenda Item Summary


Public Works Committee Meeting Date: 7/15/2014

City Council Meeting Date: 7/21/2014

Staff Contact: Stacey Titus, Morgan Gagliano

Petitioner: Click here to enter text.

Location: East Rapid City


Agenda Title:

Request Authorization to Seek Proposals for Professional Services for East Rapid City Water Expansion, Project No. 13-2107 / CIP 50964.


City Staff proposes to construct utilities in East Rapid City driven by the need to construct a major expansion of the municipal water distribution system to serve drinking water users with drinking water violations or unserved residents located east of the current City limits including more than 10,670 ft of 16” water main, 18,100 ft of 12” water main, and 10,200 ft of 8” water main. The project includes six (6) separate projects anticipated to be designed under one contract but bid as separate bid packages. Staff proposes to hire a Consultant to be responsible for easement acquisition, landowner negotiations, project design, project bid, and construction observation, administration and project closeout.  This project will be funded in part by a SRF loan.   The consultant will provide all coordination necessary for the State Revolving Fund (SRF) funding that will fund the project. The City submitted an application, and consideration for funding was made at the Board of Water and Natural Resources for funding consideration on June 26th, 2014. The South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources has approved the award to the City of Rapid City $5.626 million dollars for the East Rapid City water system expansion that includes a $1 million dollar grant and a $4.626 million dollar loan with $3 million dollars in principal forgiveness through the SRF program.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

The estimated combined project costs are $7,126,000.  Funding for this project of $5,626,000 will come from the 831 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan. Funding for this project of $1,500,000 will come from 834 Wastewater Expansion.


Action: Choose an item. Approve

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City Council Options:

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Attachments & Links:

Staff Memo

State News Article

Project Location Map